Sunday, December 28, 2014


How wonderful!
How nice!
I’d like to do it thrice.


   John and Annette Reilly visited us in Newburgh yesterday 27 December 2014. we dined at Andiamo’s, had some iced coffee, from Stewart’s (a Saratoga-based business) and some Italian pastries, and we chatted for a few hours whilst seated around the dining room table. I am longing to visit the Basin in the near future.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Last day Of Summer 2014

This was Saturday 2014.10.18. Everything that was not nailed down was stored at the Basin. The next day, Sunday, John Robinson hauled the camper off to the Washington County Fair Grounds where it will reside through the Winter months…DSC_0718

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Let Us Begin

On Saturday, April 26, We installed the camper into it’s position but with a different slant. We are now facing directly West. John Robinson will put a puppy-protection railing around the deck.. It is going to be nice… ..

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ben’n’Bena Discover a Surprising, Spring Snow

Global warming was dealt a death blow as a late April snow storm hit the North Country and provoked the natives to exclaim, “What the …? DSC_0058


Where is Russell Crowe when you need him?
I don’t know a Noah, but I’ll ask around.DSC_0051
    Deluge, devastation and desolation: The Schuyler Yacht Basin under Marital Law. Frozen daiquiris flood otherwise tranquil camp grounds betwixt and between the Hudson River and Fish Creek..
    Proprietor Phil Dean and Propietoress Judy Dean are sitting out the flood in the comfort of their home just inches from the viscous vortex, not to be confused with the Polar Vortex.
     Other shots of the gooey, wet mess:
Proprietor Phil Dean remarked, I just can’t stand here with my hands  in my pockets, now can I?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Hegira


Ben and Bena wait impatiently to head North to Saratogaville. Most of the luggage was puppy-stuff.. Though only for a weekend, the trip was a god-send for Ben’n’Bena’s human family. Soon, very soon, we shall all be heading to the SYB for the 2014 season (season three for us).

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ben and Bena at Home



Ben and Bena (top) at home in their playpen. They are already asking me when they are going to go to the SYB.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Introducing Ben and Bena

phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpg13Here are Bena and Ben, our two new Corgi pups. Although we don’t have them yet, they will be picked up in March..phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpgI am already preparing and paving the way for there subsequential arrival.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Icy Fangs of Winter

As Winter transgresses on the otherwise solemnity of the year, Its frosty bite pierces the air and ground…

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nostalgia in absentia

At the top we have Pat Rossi, wife of Bob Rossi from New Jersey
Next is a foggy shot of Fish Creek which is the western border of our  little peninsula.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I Always Get a Big Bang Out of Going to SNHP


Google did this to an uploaded picture of mine; so I thought I would post it.

Meanwhile Back in the ‘Burgh, Again

There's this nice view out the bedroom window, but I didn’t do it justice with my expensive Nikon camera, made famous in Paul Simon's song, Kodachrome.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

From the late Pete Seeger (Sing in peace, Pete)

    Another message praising the rural, no glitz and glamour, serenity of the forested regions of the world where wildlife is the majority of God’s creatures. I cannot say too much about the spiritual feeling I get while I am up north in Saratogaville.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Is the Olde Bryan Inn?

Saturday, January 18, 2014: Saratoga Springs
Losing the chance to go to the Kitchen in Schuylerville due to a snowfall of dubious proportions, John celebrated his 70th birthday at the Old Bryan Inn. The actual date of the heavy set gentleman was January 17th. That evening was spent in the company of John’s mother and the demure lady to John’s right (or left depending on your point of view). Food was tremendous; snowstorm was not. This picture was taken by a lovely waitress who also brought a nice desert with a sparkler on the top. On Sunday, January 19th, we finally celebrated the aging process at the Kitchen. We, also, stopped at Eli's for breakfast. It is always nice to be remembered.

Desolation Row





No words can describe the feeling of alienation and even desecration in these images. The only sign of life was the tracks of deer. Now, there are tire tracks of the FJ Cruiser which circled the circle seeing nothing but white void..