Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Let Us Begin

On Saturday, April 26, We installed the camper into it’s position but with a different slant. We are now facing directly West. John Robinson will put a puppy-protection railing around the deck.. It is going to be nice… ..

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ben’n’Bena Discover a Surprising, Spring Snow

Global warming was dealt a death blow as a late April snow storm hit the North Country and provoked the natives to exclaim, “What the …? DSC_0058


Where is Russell Crowe when you need him?
I don’t know a Noah, but I’ll ask around.DSC_0051
    Deluge, devastation and desolation: The Schuyler Yacht Basin under Marital Law. Frozen daiquiris flood otherwise tranquil camp grounds betwixt and between the Hudson River and Fish Creek..
    Proprietor Phil Dean and Propietoress Judy Dean are sitting out the flood in the comfort of their home just inches from the viscous vortex, not to be confused with the Polar Vortex.
     Other shots of the gooey, wet mess:
Proprietor Phil Dean remarked, I just can’t stand here with my hands  in my pockets, now can I?