Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ben and Bena In First Snow in Black and White

Out and about in Winter's first almost, white-out storm [called a "bomb cyclone"].

Get the ball! Get the ball! Ben and Bena play fetch in the very frigid air surrounding 32 Balmville Road.

..............and so GOD created the DOG

Scyter and Cookie may they be happy with Ben and Bena

Sunday, December 3, 2017

More winter B&W

Ming, The Merciless confronts Bobby Big Skull

Ben adding to the pile

with Bena watching

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Some Historical Meanderings

Lady of the Lake

     The “Lady of the Lake” is a mystery that has haunted Lake Placid for generations. Mabel Smith Douglass, a talented and accomplished professional (she was the first dean of the New Jersey College for Women at Rutgers, now Douglass College), spent her summers in the Adirondacks with her family at their Camp Onondaga property. Late one September day in 1933, before closing up the camp and heading back to New Jersey, Mabel went out onto the lake and never returned. Her disappearance remained an upsetting mystery to her family for nearly 30 years until, late one September day in 1963, Mabel was found.
     Her body, almost perfectly preserved by the very cold water of Lake Placid, was found by two divers near Pulpit Rock on a shelf 105 feet below the surface. She was found with one end of a rope tied around her neck and, on the other end, an anchor.
     The “official” ruling of her death by the coroner was that of an accident, but we now know that there is much more to the story. In one year’s time, her husband died, her son committed suicide, and she fell upon professional problems. Due to this swell of unfortunate circumstances, Mrs. Douglass had a nervous breakdown and was admitted to a mental health facility for about a year, right up until spending her last summer at Camp Onondaga. Armed with this information, it seems much more plausible that Mrs. Douglass took her own life – so, while this may not make for a very good mystery, it does make a good ghost story.
      As for Pulpit Rock, it may be Mrs. Douglas you see, or it may be the spirit of one of the two men who drowned at the base of Pulpit Rock about ten years earlier, or maybe it’s both!

Fallen Soldiers and Their Horses

As a battleground of both the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, Fort Ticonderoga is a popular haunt for war-afflicted spirits. Thousands of soldiers were buried on the grounds of the fort, and through many decades both visitors and employees alike have reported hearing footsteps, hoof beats, voices, and seeing shadowy figures. Intrigued? Take part in one of the Fort’s nighttime ghost tours and maybe you’ll come away with a tale of your own!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Winter Interloodium

interloodium: noun   a period of time for self introspection and hibernation, patiently awaiting the return to the Sacred Basin 

See also:

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Last Hurrah!! Part Two

Driver's wife and helper (so you can't see her.)

Owner and Operator and driver

After removing all umbilical cords, trailer is hooked to truck, and

Bye-Bye, Taj Mahal!!

    Vicky and I got to the BASIN on Friday, the Thirteenth. We began the disembowelment of the  travel trailer, sometimes referred to as the Taj Mahal. We dined at the Kitchen, much to the delight of our tummy-tum-tums. All of Saturday and part of Sunday, we made ready the trailer to travel. I was a bit nervous because of the small distance that divided the trailer from the deck, but there was no need for worry; the moment of departure came and went without a problem. Much of our outdoor stuff was left on the deck protected by tarps. I want to go back up soon to see what it looks like and if anything needs to be done or undone. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Addendumb to Part one of two:

Our table at the Village Cafe in Greenwich

The cafe has some mighty fine munchies

Bob Rossi's trailer

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Last Hurrah!! (part 1 of 2)

Two more weekends and then its the end of the season

A favorite sight on Northway

The tables are stacked against us. Only two more weeks
and we must flee or be forever damned.

A cool houseboat. I wouldn't mind having that.

The boats ore leaving quickly; it looks like a smile with missing teeth.


        I goofed up the page, but you can get the gist of the thing. I do so hope.

Monday, September 18, 2017

A Sudden Change Is In The Air: Or, A New Slant On The Weather

The name of the Blog shall remain the same, only the names will change to protect the indecent. Vicky, I, Ben, and Bena shall be, and will remain, the focus of the blog; so help me, GOD! Other inmates of the Basin my be inadvertently but more than likely unavoidably mentioned. Their names may be changed to protect the local wildlife.

Next Year -- New Year!  Wipe away the cob webs

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cardboat Board Races @ Schuylerville, New York

    It was a beautiful, day at Fort Hardy Park and an enthusiastic crowd covered the lawn, rocks. and benches. Mostly oldsters were there, but a number of youngsters were scattered in the mix. If I were a real reporter, I would have gotten names and other details in order to make this article more informing and enjoyable to read. I am hoping the pictures will make up for my poor reporting skills.

Several boats were there to attend to any emergencies that might arise.

John and Annette Reilly were there

Bena was there.

Ben was there

😵Vicky and John were there.
Sally Culligan was there🐲

Little kids were there

The boats were there

The boats, the people

The excitement was there

Unusual creatures were there

Unusual combinations were there

John R and the "BLUE ZIPPER" were there to help haul helpless and hapless people here and there....

SO! WHERE WERE YOU?????? and what is in your wallet?????

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Really, Reilly????

Annette Reilly catches one, big fish,

much to the embarrassment and befuddlement of her husband, John. Let us all bow to the feminine goddess in all of us.

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Corgis Have Left The Basin; Fly high little Corgis

Fly high little Corgis

    Scyter, my first Corgi, loved it up here. Cookie, my second Corgi, did not live long enough to come here. Ben and Bena love it now.

Vertigo Bay Strikes Again, And Now, Again

If you have never had it, don't order it!!

   Sure-an-b-golly, it's a livid devil of a thing. You can read all about it in the Newsletter. If you didn't bother checking the Newsletter, tough; next time read them... I am feeling better, though. will be trying to get up  tomorrow.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Hand's Melons just abound the corner

World Famous Hand's Melons on Rte 29 is just a short putter-putter east of the SYB. The actual sign is not blurry. My wife was driving erotically, and I missed a good shoot.."Shoot!!"

Friday, July 28, 2017

Mondo Monday at the Basin 2017.07.24

Fish Creek on the rise
This is a short, cinematic description of wet weather in all its glory.

         We drove up Sunday, the day before the muck and mire apocalypse. We had dinner at the Kitchen, like we always do on the first night of the encampment. To keep things short and simple, Wednesday was the only sunny day in the rather wet, weak week.
Sheriff (from the English, shire Reeve) Dan Culligan, on the right, is carrying the latest newspaper, in which the weather report for the Basin is sheer doom and gloom. He is very despondent (as you can tell by the way he is walking), His wife, Sally (on the left), however, remains jaunty, perky, and pretty.
                We left Thursday in the turbulence of another rain storm.