Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sacred Basin 2014 [old trailer gets a deck]

2014  Carl and John are waiting until Phil 'em up Dean can find the ignition key

Phil Dean on tractor is waiting for instructions

     Carl and Phil take a 6% break

     Trailer and deck meet for the first time

      John challenges Phil to lift him up

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Winter has gone quickly, as it usually does

Sacred Basin Home site

    This is our old trailer in our old spot. New times are coming: new spot and nude trailer.
I've been hibernating for the Winter and am just now thawing out, thinking of the sacred Basin.
New items have been purchased. What a wonder it will be. I shall be doing more with this blog very soon. Until then sweet readers I shall go back to preparing for the Summer season to begin.