Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Vertigo (pronounced verteego) Bay

Every once and a while, people will experience the Vertigo Bay; this is where the head goes for a swim but not the body.

         This unusual condition happened to, not one but two, of our community. Both received personal, private rides to the House of Decontamination where they received digital exorcisms. Within a few hours, they were returned to us, free of the Vertigo Bay.
             Names cannot be named lest the demons of the Bay (Basin) retaliate and cause the victims to be drowned in their own subconscious and cause them to be unconscious during periods of sexual arousal, or when wanting a Dunkin' Donuts coffee roll. Let the demons of the sacred Basin be given a libation for the safe return of our comrades...

Beware the demons of the Basin:

Edna, Shirley, and Benedict

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